David Epstein

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David Epstein is an investigative reporter at ProPublica. He is the author of 2 books: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (2019), a #1 New York Times best seller; and The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance (2013), a New York Times best seller. Prior to ProPublica, Epstein was a senior writer at Sports Illustrated, where he specialized in science issues in sports and investigative reporting. With his colleague Selena Roberts, Epstein broke the story that the Yankees' Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003.


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created Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

What's the most effective path to success in any domain? It's not what you think. Plenty of expert...

created The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance

Explores the roles of both genetics and training in athletic success, arguing that both are equally n...

created Why specializing early doesn't always mean career success

A head start doesn't always ... well, help you get ahead. With examples from sports, technology and e...