David Etheredge

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David Etheredge

| updated by jjones | Edit author "David Etheredge"
David Etheredge
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David Etheredge

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David Etheredge
I find it amazing that through out my years of schooling and even graduate studies in Biomedical engineering, that there were subjects of value that were not even mentioned. It would seem that if there was some technology or method that had the potential of saving many lives, it would be at least mentioned or discussed. Yet, not once was this topic ever mentioned. It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to hide this information to keep people from finding out. When I first read about this topic in a Ham Radio magazine, I was completely skeptical. If nothing else, if such technology could save lives and reduce the toll of disease and illness, then why had I not heard about it. What was going on here? Even worse, when I found that this technology was first successfully tested was in the 1750's it brought even more questions and a realization that the topic was truly being suppressed. The book offered below has a section on the History of this technolog.
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