Manipulating Data with SQL

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In this course you will learn to write the SQL code to manipulate the data in a relational database table. You’ll begin by populating the table with data. Since a database and its tables are designed and built to be repositories of data, getting the data into the tables is a critical activity in the building of a working database. When building a new home, the real test of your design comes when the furniture and family move in. It’s much the same with designing and building database tables—the real test comes when you load data into the tables and begin to use it. As you work through and complete hands-on tasks, you’ll become familiar with SQLiteStudio, the database management system used in the course. You’ll experience first-hand the impact data types and constraints have on manipulating table data. For example, as you enter new data into a table, you’ll appreciate the extra protection provided by the primary key constraint.


about SQL

SQL (S-Q-L, "sequel"; Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming an...

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